Anambra Welfare Foundation – AWF

AWF was registered with the Charity Commission in November 2021. It is an offshoot of Anambra Welfare Association Manchester, which has been in existence since 2000. Anambra is one of the states in South East Nigeria.

AWF was registered with the Charity Commission in November 2021. It is an offshoot of Anambra Welfare Association Manchester, which has been in existence since 2000. Anambra is one of the states in South East Nigeria. People of Anambra belong to the Igbo speaking ethnic group, which spans across South East, South South and North Central geopolitical zones of Nigeria. Historically Anambra was in the heartland of Biafra, which was a secessionist region involved in Nigerian civil war from 1967-1970. Igbo people can be found in almost all countries of the world. In this context Igbo people have had diaspora life for centuries. Igbo people recognise the need to integrate and contribute their culture positively, in any community where they find themselves. Based on this AWF was formed with the following aims and objectives:
– For the public benefit to advance the education of the public in the Igbo culture and language by providing free Igbo language tuition and lessons to ALL interested persons
-organising and holding annual Igbo cultural and New Yam Festival
-To promote social inclusion for the public benefit by working with people in Greater Manchester who are socially excluded on the grounds of their ethnic origin, religious belief, or creed (in particular, members of the Nigerian community) to relieve the needs of such people and assist them to integrate into society.
Facilitating bi-monthly lectures/workshops on citizenship, integration, health, economic well-being, which is free to ALL interested people. Financial workshops will be held regularly covering key financial planning and advice. Facilitating opportunities for members of the African community to engage with service providers, to enable those providers to adapt their services to better meet the needs of that community.
Providing facility for the care of children and elderly persons to enable; Creating a ‘soup kitchen’ that will promote Igbo cuisines and outreach to those in need within the Manchester community by providing free food. Contribute positively to health, culture and education in Nigeria through donations. To achieve these aims we will collaborate with other organisations and government agencies. We will engage in fundraising and report to the Charity Commission.

Anambra Welfare Foundation (AWF), is committed to making a positive impact on both local and international communities. We strive to promote and preserve the rich Igbo culture and language through various initiatives such as providing free Igbo language tuition, organising cultural events and building a museum to showcase the beauty of Igbo culture.

Furthermore, we believe in promoting social inclusion by working closely with individuals from the minority communities who are socially excluded on the basis of their ethnicity, religion, belief or creed. Our initiatives include regular workshops on citizenship, health, and economic well-being, along with financial planning and advice sessions. We also organise regular outdoor well being activities including walks in the park, online physical exercise sessions, picnics, football sessions for kids and traditional dance activities for both young and old.

We work in collaboration with other organisations to create a safe centre that provides social support and advice to the elderly within the Greater Manchester community, including social services and social workers.

At Anambra Welfare Foundation, we support charitable causes both in the UK and in Africa every year, as we believe in giving back to society and making a positive impact on the world.